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My New Home Coffee Setup 2022

The Home Coffee Station. It has been the pinnacle of my living space for many years. I’ve always tried to make the best out of what I had, but in a small flat that had little natural light, I had to get creative, and always felt like I had settled for it being “fine for now.” Well, this month, that all changed.

To cut a long story short, we moved house! We are now so much closer to our work which is great and we now have a small house that has beautiful high ceilings and huge windows with so much natural light. It’s safe to say we are a lot happier here!

So with this new house, we found ourselves going through all of the items we owned with a fine tooth comb, asking if it brought us joy. Well of course my coffee gear brings me so much joy every day. But, the coffee station had its frustrations, it was a DIY project drawer unit and an old countertop we painted. After many years of use, eventually it started to show it's age. The countertop was bowing and the drawers had come apart, handles fell off. It was all looking very sorry for itself. So, I decided, it was not moving to our new home.

Here's an older photo but it gives you the general idea of the previous setup!

Instead, IKEA happened!

Time To Plan!

I had two clear goals in mind for my new setup:

  1. functional - space and storage

  2. visuals - colours and mood

I had an idea of colours and materials I wanted. Black and natural wood. I knew I wanted it to be a bit bigger than my previous setup, so I could have my pour overs displayed and ready to use, whilst having enough space for the Espresso Machine and to make drinks. It also had to suit my theme and mood of my Instagram grid and look airy and more minimal.


In terms of storage, I downsized some of my gear and made selective choices on some other pieces of gear that have been on my list to get for some time. I looked at how many pieces I had left to find a home for and decided on the best option for me - some shelving underneath with some Açai wood apple boxes to house things like beans and other tools and accessories.

I used an Acai wood tray to house my cupping equipment in - bowls, spoons, and my Coffee Tasting Notes book. It looks great and keeps it nice and organised!


Of course, the next thing to look for was some updated brewing gear. I’ve still got the stunning Gaggia Ruby on loan from Gaggia and a few recent additions to my pour over setup , however I purchased some budget scales and pour over kettle a few years ago. I decided this would be my new dream setup, so no compromises.


The Fellow Stagg has been on my list for years since it was launched , but I always hesitated as It wasn’t “needed”. Don’t get me wrong my stovetop Amazon kettle does the job great, however I often do other things when it’s boiling and I end up overheating my water!

Plus, how stunning does this kettle look with the addition of the wooden handle?! It fits right in and brings me joy. Finding Happiness in the simple things is what I love about coffee brewing.

I purchased handle and pull for it from Coffee Hit - there was a discount for purchasing the two together so it was a winner! Below I'll provide links to the products and sites, so click my affiliate link to check out the products Coffee Hit have on offer.


I've upgraded my scales to the TimeMore Black Mirror, and so far I'm loving them! They look clean and minimal too.


Of course, if you know me, a home is not complete without a houseplant. This Pachira tree is a thing of beauty work to its plaited trunk and flowing leaves. It sits to the left of the station and inspires me daily.

Coffee Bean Storage

I've always just kept my Coffee beans in the bags they came in, however a company

called Ankomn reached out to me on Instagram, and asked if I wanted to try one of their Vacuum cannisters. I chose the black top and scoop to fit in with my coffee station. Not only does it keep my beans fresh for a lot longer than bags, but it looks so lovely on my setup and fits right in.

Filter Papers

I've got my filter papers all in one place now thanks to Ikeas peg boards. I used a little shelf for the Kalita and Aeropress papers and the elastic attachments for the Chemex and v60 papers. I think it looks great and keeps them at hand in one place. No more scrambling for papers for that first morning brew!


I have recently added the Origami Brewer to my pourover setup, and wow it's a beauty! One Thing I wanted to feature on the new setup was all of my pourovers. I got some Kinto Glass servers and now have them all displayed at the station, it all their glory!

I am in love with my new setup, and I feel so much more inspired each day to brew coffee on it. I've created an inspiring space for photography too, and love spending time here. Let me know your thoughts down below and don't forget to watch my YouTube vlog of the house move and a more in depth look at items on the new setup!

Brew what you love, and love what you brew!

Product Links

Fellow Stagg Kettle and handle - use my affiliate link for Coffee Hit! -

Kinto Servers (different sizes and styles but here's the 300ml ones I got)-


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